
Friday, January 27, 2012

My first blog

Hi There, This is my very first blog so show some patience with me please.  My husband (The Merchant Prince) and I have sold antiques, collectibles and misc. for over 30 years at area antiques/collectibles shows and flea markets.  With all the experiences we have had we could write a book but this is easier.  I plan to post some pictures on here eventually too.  

Flea markets at the moment are doing poorly.  No one has any money to spare.  We're hoping things will pick up after the holidays.  I've seen dealers just pile their entire booths by the trash receptacles and drive away.  A couple of dealers have actually given me items that they knew I was interested in and told me to keep them because they are leaving the business.  

We haven't reached that point but things are pretty tight.  We have customers asking for money off on $2.00 items.  They should be embarrassed.  If you don't want to spend $2.00 for something you really don't want it that badly.   Unfortunately, people believe these articles that tell you to dicker with the dealer because they expect and enjoy it.  Yes, I really want to get paid less than I've asked for an item.  Come on!

Anyway, we're looking for that next BIG THING.  We have been through the cotton throw, rice cake mold, braided rug, Beanie Baby and misc. popular at the moment items.  We need to know what comes next.  Any helpful ideas?

That's about it for now.  I'll try to be more upbeat next time.   There are good things associated with our occupation too.

Thanks,  Flea Market Mama

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