
Thursday, February 23, 2012


I wanted to put a picture on here of a man we caught shop lifting recently but thought I'd better not. This fellow tried to stick two pairs of gloves into his pocket a couple of shows ago. The Merchant Prince caught him and asked if he'd like to pay for them. The fellow put them back and walked off. The vendor next to us told us that the same man picked up three tools of his and stuck them in his pocket. The vendor also caught him. Now if this were me I'd be humiliated but getting caught doesn't seem to embarrass these people. He came back to our booth last week-end and tried the same thing again. From now on the gloves are staying by one of us. Other dealers have complained about this man but nothing gets done about it. The promoter told him to leave the premises and he told the promoter that it was a public place and he didn't have to leave. The promoter let him stay. Unbelievable. We've run into these people from time to time over the years. We've lost merchandise to some of these people. Right now we can't find a vintage Coca-Cola thermometer that we had for sale for $100.00. We don't know if it's buried inside a box or if someone stole it. The really aggravating thing is that these people go home with their pilfered goods and think they're smarter than us. They're not, they just have no scruples.

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